This servive helps our customers buy directly from the factory without going through many middlemen. To ensure that you are dealing directly with the factory we organize a factory visit on your behalf if you are not in China or we visit the factory with you if you are in China.
Option 1: You don't need to travel to China.
If you choose this option you can avoid the lenththy procedure of applying for visas to China, save time and expenses. Instead, you contact us, provide us with the necessary information about your trade dealings with the China-based factory and we visit the factory on your behalf.
While at the factory, if you wish, we can organize a video call with you so that you can speak to your supplier directly or you can simply let us do the work on your behalf.
Option 2: You travel to China but still need our help.
Even foreign traders who travel to China to buy things, still run into difficulties such as finding their way to various factories, communicating in Mandarin, following up paperwork, etc.
If you are already in China we can help you with these challenges if you hire us. Depending on what you need we will send an expert or experts from our team to accompany you to the various factories you deal with.
It is important to note that most factories in China are very welcoming and hospitable to foreign clients because to them it means business growth and expansion.
However, that hospitality should not blind you into believing that everything you will negotiate will be in your favor. In most cases, that hospitality may come at a heavy price.
Our team which includes locals can easily help in situations like that, to ensure you walk away with a better deals than if you were ti negotiate them by yourself.
If you need any of the two factory visit options discussed above, don't hesitate to contact us so we can discuss details.
Building No. 2000,
Zhongshan Road, Putuo District,
Shanghai, China.
+86 191 2164 1742
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